CLF Schools is committed to providing a safe learning and working environments. CLF has provided students and staff with safe drinking water in compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency mandates.

2024 Water Quality Test Results

The final phase was completed in September 2024. Prior actions included:

  • Sampling and testing all water sources.
  • Flushing, replacing, or valving off fixtures.
  • Providing bottled water when drinking sources could not be cleared expeditiously.

Lead Testing Compliance Update for CLF Schools
In accordance with Maryland law (Chapter 386, 2017), which mandates all public and nonpublic schools serving children in prekindergarten through grade 12 to test for lead in drinking water outlets every three years, CLF schools have successfully completed the required lead testing. This law applies to schools receiving drinking water from public utilities and is overseen by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).

The most recent round of testing was conducted in September 2024 across all CMIT schools. Updated reports, reflecting compliance with state regulations and the safety of our drinking water, are now available for review. This ensures that CLF schools continue to prioritize the health and well-being of all students and staff by adhering to the highest standards of environmental safety.

Note: Chesapeake Science Point Pre-K—12 has a waiver due to the lead level at all drinking water outlets.

CLF will submit a waiver to MDE for CMIT schools ( All lead results are less than 5.5 ppb) after testing.

2021 Water Quality Test Results

The final phase was completed in June 2021. Prior actions included:

  • Sampling and testing all water sources.
  • Flushing, replacing, or valving off fixtures.
  • Providing bottled water when drinking sources could not be cleared expeditiously.

The final phase of our Water Quality Program allowed for retesting all drinking sources currently in use and installing filtered water fountains at CLF schools.


High-efficiency water filters (Aquaspace® and Elkay®) were installed into each outlet with elevated lead in water in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. The water outlets were thoroughly cleaned and flushed. The remediated drinking water outlets in each school were resampled and tested, and the lead content in water was determined to be below 5ppb.

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